Coffee Cup

You have an ancient coffee cup excavated from the "COBOOOL remains", boiled water, and ground coffee. Let's brew a cup of coffee from those with an appropriate concentration.

You have three kinds of operations to brew coffee.

1.Pour "A" grams of boiled water to the cup. 2.Add "B" grams of ground coffee to the cup and stir. 3.For tasting, drink "C" grams of content in the cup.

When you have A grams of boiled water and B grams of ground coffee, after the each operation, the amounts of boiled water and ground coffee in the cup varies as follows:

Operation 1
《Pouring boiled water》
Operation 2
《Adding ground coffee》
Operation 3
Boiled water X+A X X-C*X/(X+Y)
Ground coffee Y Y+B Y-C*Y/(X+Y)

You are given the operations. Find the concentration of the coffee after the all operations. Truncate a fractional part of the value. Note: For X grams of boiled water and Y grams of ground coffee, you can calculate the concentration (percentage) of the coffee as: 100*Y/(X+Y)

The following figure shows the content of the cup at example 2.

In this example, as the cup hold about 62.9 gram of boiled water and about 47.1 grams of ground coffee. So, the answer is 42 .

Find the concentration of the coffee after the all operations


Input is given in the following format:
t_1 s_1
t_2 s_2
t_N s_N
The first line contains the number of operations "N". Each of the next "N" lines contains a kind of operation and amounts for the operation. For example:

If "t_i" is 1, i-th operation is "Pouring 's_i' grams of boiled water".
If "t_i" is 2, i-th operation is "Adding 's_i' grams of ground coffee".
If "t_i" is 3, i-th operation is "Drinking 's_i' grams of content of the cup".


All test cases have the following constraints:
1 ≦ N ≦ 10
t_i is 1, 2, or 3
1 ≦ s_i ≦ 100
After the operation, the content of the cup is not empty.


Output the concentration (percentage) of the coffee in the cup after all the operations, truncating a fractional part.
Add a newline character at the end of the output. Do not include any unnecessary characters or empty lines.
Input example 1
1 90
2 10

Output example 1
Input example 2
1 50
2 55
3 15
1 20
Output example 2


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